Civilization Revolution
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Nájdených 276 záznamov (zobrazujem 1 až 20)
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Sid Meier's Civilization REVOLUTION Playstation 3 EDÍCIA: Essential edícia - originál balenie v pôvodnej fólii s Y spojom - poškodená fóliaStratégia vychádzajúca z tradičného konceptu, ktorý hry v Civ sérii ponúka fanúšikom už 16 rokov. V úlohe vodcu zvoleného národa sa teda budete pokúšať o prevzatie pozície vládcu celého sveta. Začne to založením vlastného národa, pokračovať to bude pomalým budovaním ríše cez rôzne veky a epochy, dôj... |
25,00 € |
Civilization Revolution (PS3)Ako vodca vybraného národa sa hráč pokúsi prevziať pozíciu vládcu celého sveta.Hra ponúkne epickú singleplayerovú kampaň s obrovskou mierou znovuhrateľnosti, v ktorej bude hráč môcť viesť jeden zo 16 národov dostupných v hre. Každý národ bude mať samozrejme svojich vodcov alebo významné historické p... |
21,00 € |
World Revolution: The Plot Against CivilizationWorld Revolution: The Plot against Civilization By Nesta H. Webster Amongst all the books, pamphlets, and newspaper articles that are now devoted to the World Revolution through which we are passing, it is strange to notice how little scient |
16,11 € |
Sid Meier's Civilization REVOLUTION Playstation 3 EDÍCIA: Pôvodné vydanie - otvorené a znovu zafóliovanéStratégia vychádzajúca z tradičného konceptu, ktorý hry v Civ sérii ponúka fanúšikom už 16 rokov. V úlohe vodcu zvoleného národa sa teda budete pokúšať o prevzatie pozície vládcu celého sveta. Začne to založením vlastného národa, pokračovať to bude pomalým budovaním ríše cez rôzne veky a epochy, dôj... |
15,00 € |
World Revolution: The Plot Against CivilizationWorld Revolution: The Plot against Civilization By Nesta H. Webster Amongst all the books, pamphlets, and newspaper articles that are now devoted to the World Revolution through which we are passing, it is strange to notice how little scient |
16,11 € |
America Before: The Key to Earth's Lost CivilizationUntil very recently there was almost universal agreement amongst scientists that human beings first entered the Americas from Siberia around 13,000 years ago by walking into Alaska across the Bering landbridge. Over the next two thousand years their descendants supposedly spread out through Central ... |
17,41 € |
A Forest Journey: The Role of Trees in the Fate of Civilization (Perlin John)A Foundational Conservation Story Revived Ancient writers observed that forests always recede as civilizations develop and grow. The great Roman poet Ovid wrote that before civilization began, even the pine tree stood on its own very hills but when civilization took over, the mountain oak, the pine... |
31,60 € |
Dominion: How the Christian Revolution Remade the World (Holland Tom)From the crucifixion of Jesus to the birth of modern morals, this marvelous account from an award-winning historian shows how the Christian Revolution forged the Western imagination (The Economist). Crucifixion, the Romans believed, was the worst fate imaginable. It was this that rendered it so suit... |
33,04 € |
The Managerial Revolution: What is Happening in the World (Burnham James)Burnham has real intellectual courage, and writes about real issues. - George Orwell Burnhams claim was that capitalism was dead, but that it was being replaced not by socialism, but a new economic system he called managerialism; rule by managers. Written in 1941, this is the book that theorised h... |
14,80 € |
Destiny of CivilizationThis book is based on the lecture series on finance capitalism Michael Hudson presented for the Global University for Sustainability. The book explains why the U.S. and other Western economies have lost their former momentum: A narrow rentier class has gained control and become the new central plann... |
32,12 € |
Dominion: How the Christian Revolution Remade the World (Holland Tom)A marvelous (Economist) account of how the Christian Revolution forged the Western imagination Crucifixion, the Romans believed, was the worst fate imaginable, a punishment reserved for slaves. How astonishing it was, then, that people should have come to believe that one particular victim of cruci... |
17,60 € |
The Global Sexual Revolution: Destruction of Freedom in the Name of Freedom (Kuby Gabriele)The core of the global cultural revolution is the deliberate confusion of sexual norms. It is the culmination of a metaphysical revolution as well--a shifting of the fundamental ground upon which we stand and build a culture, even a civilization. Instead of desire being subjected to natural, social,... |
22,24 € |
The Posen Library of Jewish Culture and Civilization, Volume 7: National Renaissance and International Horizons, 1880-1918 Volume 7 (Bartal Israel)Volume 7 of the Posen Library captures unprecedented transformations of Jewish culture amid mass migration, global capitalism, nationalism, revolution, and the birth of the secular self Between 1880 and 1918, traditions and regimes collapsed around the world, migration and imperialism remade the l... |
156,00 € |
Greek RevolutionChosen as one of the top history book of the year by The EconomistFrom one of our leading historians, an important new history of the Greek War of Independence the ultimate worldwide liberal cause célèbre of the age of Byron, Europe s first nationalist uprising, and the beginning of the downward spi... |
33,12 € |
The Days of the French RevolutionWorks from "Les Misirables" by Victor Hugo to "Citizens" by Simon Schama have been inspired by the French Revolution. Now available for the first time in years, "The Days of the French Revolution" brings to life the events that changed the future of Western civilization. As compelling as any fiction... |
16,51 € |
The Days of the French RevolutionWorks from "Les Misirables" by Victor Hugo to "Citizens" by Simon Schama have been inspired by the French Revolution. Now available for the first time in years, "The Days of the French Revolution" brings to life the events that changed the future of Western civilization. As compelling as any fiction... |
16,51 € |
A History of East Asia: From the Origins of Civilization to the Twenty-First Century (Holcombe Charles)Charles Holcombe begins by asking the question what is East Asia? In the modern age, many of the features that made the region - now defined as including China, Japan, Korea and Vietnam - distinct have been submerged by the effects of revolution, politics or globalization. Yet, as an ancient civiliz... |
44,40 € |
Greek RevolutionChosen as one of the top history book of the year by The EconomistFrom one of our leading historians, an important new history of the Greek War of Independence the ultimate worldwide liberal cause célèbre of the age of Byron, Europe s first nationalist uprising, and the beginning of the downward spi... |
33,12 € |
British Revolution and the American DemocracyThis work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references... |
29,70 € |
America Before: The Key to Earth's Lost CivilizationUntil very recently there was almost universal agreement amongst scientists that human beings first entered the Americas from Siberia around 13,000 years ago by walking into Alaska across the Bering landbridge. Over the next two thousand years their descendants supposedly spread out through Central ... |
17,41 € |
Nájdených 276 výsledkov |